With Sp Mu being the Spell Damage Multiplier, Out being the Outgoing Spell Damage Manipualtion, In being the Incoming Spell Damage Manipulation withĪ and r being the spell damage amplification and reduction values respectively.Įxample 1 Bloodseeker with a Level 4 Bloodrage buff with Kaya and Sange. However, it can be amplified by incoming spell damage amplifications. Since these are handled separately, the same category stack additively while different categories stack multiplicatively with each other respectively.įor example, spell damage dealt by summons, unless stated, it is not affected by the outgoing spell damage amplification of the hero. Spell Damage Manipulation Stacking Īll sources of spell damage manipulation stack multiplicatively, and are categorized into two categories - Outgoing Spell Damage Manipulation and Incoming Spell Damage Manipulation.